onsdag 18 maj 2011

"Longing" played on nationalwide radio

Yesterday the radio show "Jazzlandet" played my song "Longing" from my upcoming album "Facing South". I´m so happy, it was wonderful to hear the music on radio broadcasted on nationwide!

The host talk about my cover and asked the question "why is she sitting next to a rusty, old car?". Well, I thought that was a great question and I also have a few answers to that. It could be symbolic; a blue car could symbolize the blue notes in jazz, a car could indicate that I´ve got alot of my inspiration from my travels, the confused face could symbolize some of the feelings I want to bring out in my music...
But frankly, the main reason why I chose that cover is; I just think that the picture is cool and odd...and I like cool and odd... that´s it... =)

So if you enter this site you will be able to hear the show. I´m at 8.21...


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