onsdag 21 september 2011

Teaming up with Hemifrån

Writing from a hotel room in Nova Scotia, I just have to tell you all about my new collaboration with the promotion agency Hemifrån. Their territory is Europe, so I hope that my music will spread during this campaign.

Read more here: http://www.hemifran.com/index.html

Let me know if you want to find out where to buy my CD or if you have any other questions!

tisdag 13 september 2011

Review from Joyzine.se

Got a very nice review from Joyzine.se were the writer said that it was hard to believe that this is a CD debut for me. That makes me very happy... but I have to say that I´ve been working with music and been around music my whole life. So maybe it´s not so strange after all, I´ve been dreaming about this CD since I was a baby! Hahaha!

Very nice words from a humble reviewer, thank you very much! =)

fredag 9 september 2011

Sweden Jazz album again!

Ended up on the list for most sold jazz albums in Sweden AGAIN this week! At number 19...better than nothing, right? =)

tisdag 6 september 2011

Livets Goda

There is a great article about me in this month´s issue of the magazine "Livets Goda". It´s written by Anders Lundquist.