Dear friends! I just came back from a great trip to Manresa, Catalonia. If you´re following my blog then maybe perhaps you remember that I participated in a festival called Secret Festival, last summer on Öland. Well, John Leo Carter called me and asked if I wanted to go to Cataloniatogether with this years group and do a gig at the FIRA Meditterania Festival Manresa. And of course I wanted to join! The Secret Festival (or Hemlig Festival as it´s called in swedish) is THE best festival concept I´ve ever heard of!
So last week me and John flew to Manresa via Barcelona and met up with these wonderful musicians:
Josefina Sanner; Sweden, David Lombardi; Italy, Lluis Molas; Catalonia, Mari Kalkun; Estonia, Enric Montsant; Catalonia, Gunnar Lingegård; Sweden and Emer Kenny; Ireland.
We rehearsed for two days and then we did a concert in the biggest tent of the festival and the place was packed! Such a cool feeling! And that´s not enough; we got standing ovations afterwards! Mmmm... amazing...
I want to say thanks to all the musicians that participated in this; you are so talented and I´m very proud to call you my friends!
Most of all thank you to John Leo Carter and Helle Kvamme at who made it possible for me to do this trip and meet all these amazing musicians. Stor kram till er!
I don´t know who took this photo but I hope it´s ok to post it here...

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