It all started with my tour to Japan. After that I felt that I wanted to take my career seriously and do something about my situation, soon being graduated from a bachelor programme in music with no job. When it hit me, that I wanted to do a record, I realized that I could not do that without the help from the musicians I worked with in Japan. And therefor I brought the drummer Sebastiaan Kaptein to Sweden and with alot of help from Yasuhito Mori, managed to get a great soundengineer in Uddevalla, Christer Olofsson. Of course I had to have Simon Westman on piano, who else?! The recording went great and Im so happy.
I was lucky because my dear friend from Belgium, Vanessa Matthys, was free from commitments on the dates of recording. So she came over to Sweden and did some backup vocals on three songs. It was absolutely amazing!
I also got my dear friend Vyvienne Long from Ireland to do some celloparts on two songs. It was a bit hard to bring her to Sweden so we decided to send the music back and forth instead. I havent heard it yet but Im positive it´s going to sound wonderful!
After alot of thinking I decided to start my own record company. I dont want to go around to other labels asking and begging them to love me and to give me a record feel so time-consuming. So I do it myself, everything! With a little help from my friends of course.
This is the new trademark for my business. It´s painted by my talented friend Sanna Larsson.

Congratulations! The world is looking forward to hear your new album, and the further releases on your record label. And the logo is a piece of art itself:)
SvaraRaderaLooking good, thank you.